Saturday, September 13, 2014

Family Shabbat Services at Tree of Life

The Price family and the Smolkin family attended the family shabbat services at Tree of Life. Besides the great potluck Shabbat dinner, the Smolkin and Price children helped out with the services, helping to light the candles, lead some prayers, and answering and asking questions. Rabbi Joe gave an interesting D'var Torah on change (using weather as a metaphor), paving the way for the upcoming chagim, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

We'll be convening again on September 21 at the Weber's house, and we look forward to seeing everyone again!

West Virginia Fall Foliage Mountain Sunset
"West Virginia Fall Foliage Mountain Sunset" by Forest Wanderer

Sunday, September 7, 2014

First Meeting and Havurah Brit

We had our first meeting at the Weber's house. We discussed beginnings (התחלות or hatchalot) as this was the beginning to our havurah! We started off with the prayer that marks a milestone or beginning, the shehekianu (שהחינו).

We did a learning activity in which we created a collage with pictures from magazines that we cut out that represented the idea of beginnings. There was a terrific range of images, and we got the sense that we saw beginnings in unique and interesting ways.

We then regrouped by family and each family came up with items to contribute to a brit (ברית or contract) for our Family Learning Havurah. Through consensus, we came up with the following brit havurah:

  1. Listening
  2. Sharing
  3. We will help each other
  4. Be respectful
  5. As questions
  6. Be flexible
  7. Be ready to try new things
  8. Be ready to learn
  9. Have fun
We're looking forward to the next gathering of the Havurah!